Bill here, welcome to our BLOG!

Our goal here is to share valuable information regarding your young child’s education and development.

Our blog will always be open to comment and suggestions, what better way to learn than to share our common experiences!

What are fine motor skills?

Generally thought of as the movement and use of hands and upper extremities, fine motor skills include reaching, grasping and manipulating objects with your hands. Fine motor skills also involve vision, specifically visual motor skills, often referred to hand-eye coordination.

What skills do ‘fine motor skills’ include?

  • Academics skills including. Pencil skills (scribbling, coloring, drawing, writing) Scissors skills (cutting)
  • Play. Construction skills using puzzles, matching games
  • Self-care including. dressing – tying shoelaces, doling up sandals, zips, buttons, belts.

Why are FINE MOTOR SKILLS important?

Well, these skills learned at a young age are fundamental in helping a child’s self-esteem and confidence, the very foundation of success in the classroom and later in life.

Please know, all our products have been selected so as to promote and encourage FINE MOTOR SKILL development in young children ages infant to-5 years old.

I hope this basic review of FINE MOTOR SKILLS has been valuable and most importantly, opens the door to a fluid communication with you; the parent, educator and friend of our young children, OUR FUTURE.

Open invitation: Please feel free to contribute with your examples and/or ideas for promoting FINE MOTOR SKILLS in young children.

Find me at bwright@wmwdidactic.com

Siempre pa’rriba!

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