Reading and puzzles DO NOT require a screen or technology; these hobbies continue to be of great value for young children.
Jigsaw puzzles have many forms and themes. Jigsaws are a great way of sparking children’s interest in a subject but also committing information to memory, this is known as subliminal learning or learning through play.
Fine motor skills
Puzzles improve the development of a child’s fine motor skills. Children need to pick up, pinch and hold pieces order to move them around and manipulate them into the right slots.
Problem solving and logic
You can’t cheat while working with jigsaw puzzle. The child needs to use critical thinking, reasoning skills and problem solving – all of which are valuable in adulthood.
With time, children will find that their completion time gets better with each puzzle as they begin to think more logically and develop ways for problem solving, such as sorting pieces by color and pattern and searching for pieces in certain shapes.

Working in family or together with a friend over a jigsaw puzzle, a child is practicing valuable life skills, communication, sharing, turn taking, assigning tasks in order to succeed, and lending support to their team member.
Studies have showed that by working out how smaller pieces fit into the bigger picture children develop their abilities of movement, depth and distance perception.
Memory improvement
Jigsaw puzzles are especially good at reinforcing existing connections between our brain cells and therefore improving short-term memory. It also helps children to improve their ability to focus for long hours, learning perseverance and patience along the way.
Hand and eye coordination
Playing with jigsaws requires trial and error. If a piece doesn’t fit, a child must put it down and try another one. This is all fantastic practice for developing a child’s hand and eye coordination.
Self esteem
Completing a jigsaw puzzle gives children a great sense of satisfaction and pride in themselves. It’s a boosts self-confidence which will allow them to take on other bigger challenges while keeping a positive growth mind-set.
As children concentrate on a jigsaw puzzle their minds are completely focused. Searching for colors and shapes, they’re allowing their brains to let go of any stresses and anxieties, thus creating calm and well-being.